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Before we started working together, I was a little hesitant on spending the money. I know that health is a number one priority for me, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to pay for this program and save up my money for other things in the year. But the cost turned out to be very reasonable and I made it happen!

My Top 2 goals when I started training were:
1. 6pack abs at 160lbs lean and cut
2. Healthy, vital, and a strong physical body

So far with training my strength has ridiculously improved, and I have higher stamina and endurance than ever before! I am more knowledgable about exercise and nutrition and made major improvements in my physique, it looks amazing!Exercise is now a lifestyle for me and I am seeing results in my body every week! Tyler is awesome! Click Here To Get Started Now

MASS3 LV1 Training - Alpha Physique Engineering

Before we started working together, I was a little hesitant on spending the money. I know that health is a number one priority for me, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to pay for this program and save up my money for other things in the year. But the cost turned out to be very reasonable and I made it happen!

My Top 2 goals when I started training were:
1. 6pack abs at 160lbs lean and cut
2. Healthy, vital, and a strong physical body

So far with training my strength has ridiculously improved, and I have higher stamina and endurance than ever before! I am more knowledgable about exercise and nutrition and made major improvements in my physique, it looks amazing!Exercise is now a lifestyle for me and I am seeing results in my body every week! Tyler is awesome! Click Here To Get Started Now

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