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My mom is from New York and my father from Singapore. My mom is pale skinned because she is of Irish descent, whereas my father has a tanned skin tone because his family originates from Southern China.I was born with very white skin, yet as I got older my skin got darker and patchy in places due to my mixed heritage.As my skin tone changed in my teens I began to get bullied at school.I was called “patchy” and other horrible names.I’d come home in tears. My mum would always tell me I was beautiful, but that wasn’t enough to stop me feeling embarrassed and insecure.Don’t get me wrong, I love my father and my Asian roots, but I like the look of my skin when it’s lighter and the pigmentation is even like my mum’s skin is. It just looks nicer, period.Click here for details


I’ve been using the BTMA Stock Spreadsheet and following Grant’s investment advice as a member of the BTMA Wealth Builders Club for about a year. In the past, I had experience as a real estate investor and stock investor, but I had never achieved the tremendous return on investments that I’m now receiving with the BTMA products.

From January 1st to October 6th (or less than 10 months), my return was an astounding 50.6% compared to just 6.3% return with the S&P.

There are not many investments vehicles, if any, where you can achieve these kinds of results consistently. The BTMA is an amazing product and it is hard to find better customer service than what Grant offers Click here for details


Thanks for your help, you are a hero to me. I don't feel like explaining my challenges, because it even hurts me even more to talk about it, and I am of a few words.

Thank you for fighting my battle for me. I was convinced that I was going to die, all I did was hate my self and no doctor would explain to me all these that you have explained.

I have already got a relief now with only taking the cautions you clearly stipulated. I believe that by next week am going to be fine.

May the lord reward you and bless you for such a wonder full heart  Click here for details

Candida Albicans Cure Regain Control of Your Health!

I was diagnosed to be "pre-diabetic" and "insulin resistant" a long time ago. The recommendation from my doctor was "diet and physical exercise while you take these pills". Sadly, the medications made me feel like crap and stopped me from burning an ounce. After that, an abdominal ultra-sound made a diagnosis of "Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver" and since then, I have been reading scads of books regarding my condition but most are unsatisfactory. In this book, Steve actually gives reasonable, actionable advice. I have been following his advice for four months now and I have lost over 10 pounds. That may not sound like much, but it is something I have not been able to accomplish for over five years, so it is a cause for celebration at my house. Best of all, the trend in weight loss in continuing steadily. Click here for details

Who Else Wants to Safely and Naturally Reverse Fatty Liver Disease

The Renegade Diet is by far and away the easiest and most effective eating plan I’ve ever tried. It gives you complete freedom and actually allows you get and remain in great shape while still having a social life. It’s the only way I’ll ever eat for the rest of my life Click here for details

Renegade Diet Book | by Jason Ferruggia

When I was 21 years old and experienced my first ovarian cysts rupture, like  most people you  go to the doctor find out the problem and treat it.  Little did I know this was only the start of a very long journey over years that included more ovarian cysts, an unnecessary surgery and later breast cysts, fibroids and Adenomyosis!  Wow! That’s a lot!
I had faith that I would get to the bottom of this with the many specialist doctors I went to, after speaking with my doctor who offered no solution or reason why this was happening but suggested we start with “synthetic hormones” and go “try” different things hoping something would fix it.  That didn’t work and made everything worse.  I guess I had too much faith that doctor ‘s really know the cause and have my best interest in mind.  The effects of being on “the pill”  (a synthetic hormone) caused more problems than I had prior.
This caused more daily side effects than if I had my ovarian cysts rupture once a month!  Shortly thereafter I discontinued.  Secondly, the doctor recommended  laparoscopic surgery.  At that time, being in my early 20’s I felt it was the right thing to do. After all I was listening to my doctor. So I proceeded with surgery only to find out  nothing was found and again nothing  more could be done or could prevent future occurrence.
At that  point , it became clear  and I started researching  women’s alternative health and  natural  solutions! After experiencing further ovarian cyst episodes that would cause me to go to the emergency room a few times a year this became the norm.  I didn’t know whatever else to do and continued my research, and trying different diets, protocols, and even spiritual experiments.
Off and on I experienced ruptured ovarian cysts for over  17 years not knowing when or where it was going to happen.  One night I started to feel pressure and soon discovered I had a breast cysts.   And shortly thereafter,  I was feeling immense pain running down my leg and discovered  I had fibroids and further being  told by my doctor “they never go away” .  At that point it , I started treating myself and only going to the doctor using my mandatory insurance for ultrasounds or blood work a necessary but not for any further guessing games.
I knew I had the answers when they were asking me what I did to eliminate my fibroids and cysts.   The rest is history!
Not only did the 3 Step program eliminate my uterine fibroids, breast cysts, ovarian cysts and treat adenomyosis, it also relieved the extra water weight from hormonal imbalance, reversed hair loss,  regulated menses monthly, create an overall wellness feeling like I had in my 20’s.  Never felt better! Click here for details

3 Step Natural Treatment for women to Shrink Uterine Fibroids, Dissolve Ovarian Cysts, and Treat Adenomyosis without Surgery and Prevent Reoccurrence. 100% Natural Remedies to potentially Eliminate in less than 60 days Guaranteed.

Coaching with Mitch has pushed me to the next level, both mentally and physically. In just over 90-days, Mitch mentored me to my first Physique Competition. The results speak for themselves, but one thing you won’t be able to see is how he pushed me mentally. Plus, I knew that investing in a Coach that has similar spiritual goals would only empower me even more. When you start with the mind, everything falls into place. Thanks so much, Mitch Click here for details


I hate cardio and always have. I slogged on with it because I thought that was what I had to do. I’m only 3 weeks in, but using your finishers I can see and feel a difference already. I have more mass and definition, AND I’m stronger. I am no longer spinning my wheels. And I’m having FUN Click here for details

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises

There’s a huge number of recipes included, and stress management, supplements, and exercise are also discussed in the bonuses. This book is set up to give you a good number of great recipes, but it also has a lot of info on different diets, exercise and lifestyle changes.

I believe the goal is to make healthy lifestyle changes. I’ve decided to make healthier decisions about food and exercise to change my habits, and I feel much better as a result. Click here for details

Delicious Ultimate Diabetic Recipes - 369 recipes with guides and bonuses

Dan, Thank you so much for all that you've done for me. I use to battle just to gain some decent size on my legs- but since I've been following and training as you've instructed me to, I have gained 2.5cm on my legs in one month! The results are amazing! Thank you so much. Click here for details

Here's the Secret Russian Training System I Accidentally Stumbled Upon That Helped Me... An Ordinary, Average Guy... Pack on 23 Pounds of Lean Muscle Mass... in Just 11 Weeks