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Lina, having incredible results with the Detox Bath! So thankful to you for making it available. I downloaded the book a week ago, but was too sick (and, frankly, too skeptical!) to begin. It seemed overwhelming to me to think about sitting & doing ANYTHING for 10+ minutes, especially something that sounded too simple too be true.
However, I finally became so desperate 3 days ago, that I made myself try it. Using your recommendation, I began my first bath after taking a hot shower. I was only able to do 10 minutes before becoming too exhausted to continue. I crawled into bed convinced that the bath was about the silliest thing I have ever tried on my long and arduous road to "feeling better". I awoke later to find it was morning!!! The clock read 6:30 a.m. I haven't EVER slept through the night! I also noticed that I didn't feel as depressed and overwhelmed. The next surprise occurred later.
I had not had a normal bowel movement in 3 weeks. I had been going back & forth between diarrhea & constipation. About 30 minutes after waking, I went to the bathroom and "delivered" several normal stools. That happened two more times during the day. Same thing happened the next day & the next. I still feel pretty bad when I wake up in the morning, but after going to the bathroom, I feel better.Interest Click Here Now for details.
The Detox Bath is the ONLY effective method that allows you achieve vibrant health by eliminating toxins and excess fat on a daily basis
By guru2016
Flavia Del Monte has created easy to make, healthy, flavourful, mouthwatering recipes that are perfect for anyone who is looking for gluten-free, wheat-free, soy-free, sugar-free and dairy-free recipes.Her Flavilicious recipes are not only great for a healthy weight loss program, but are sinfully delicious and she has so many great recipes to choose from.We highly recommend Flavilicious
Interest Click Here Now for details.
Flavilicious Cooking
By guru2016
Over 100 tested home remedies using just vegetables, acknowledged by the newest scientific research. Learn about the science behind the health benefits of vegetables to improve your health, delay aging and cure major diseases. Interest Click Here Now for details.
Pharmacy in Vegetables | 140 Tested Home Remedies Using Vegetables
By guru2016
My glutes were sore for days after working with Coach Brian. He's the best trainer in the world when it comes to building a better booty. I highly recommend you try his workouts. They worked for me and they'll work for you too! The variety of exercises and angles are really different and fun to perform. You are going to feel awesome afterwards.Interest Click Here Now for details.
Why Everything You Know About Training Your Body’s LARGEST Muscle For Greater Shape, Power, Strength, And Long-Term Health Is WRONG
By guru2016
Hi, My husband and I raise Rough Collies.
Brandy is our female, a beautiful sable and white.
Unfortunately, she was not doing well on store bought dog kibbles. Her coat was not growing in and she shed a lot- lots more than I believe Collies should!
I searched the internet looking for answers since most breeders and vets recommend only high price dog food. Since we have 4 dogs we didn't want that expense.
I found your site and bought you e-books. Since we were already feeding table scrapes it made sense to me to go that way.
Now [since following your recipes and feeding advice], Brandy has a beautiful coat, lots of energy, and smells really good. As an added bonus since we always sprinkle garlic on their food, none of our pups have fleas!
Brandy will turn 2 yrs old in a few weeks and just delivered 11 healthy collie pups less than 2 days ago! She has her figure back, is eating well and her coat looks great!
I'm convinced it's because we feed her "people" food. She is getting a cup of puppy chow along with her good food as she is nursing so many pups.
Right now I have her on a high protien diet.
The proud papa, Duke, is on the same diet and he looks stunning also. We also have a 10 yr old terrier and a mixed breed that are looking and acting younger since on this diet.
Everytime we bring them to the vet's she is amazed at what good shape they are in and how clean they are. I tell her it's their diet. I only wish I had your books a few years ago for my GSD. I know it would have helped her too.
Thanks for setting us on the right track so we can enjoy many years with our beloved fur babies! Interest Click Here Now for details.
Discover The Deadly Secret The Dog Food Industry Is Spending Millions To Make Sure You Never Find Out
By guru2016
We are your first step to fitness, health, fat loss and muscle and strength building. This site is packed with useful, practical fitness and exercise information to help you lose fat, build muscle and gain strength.Interest Click Here Now for details.
Your First Step to Fitness, Fat-Loss, Muscle, and Strength
By guru2016
The author presents the reader with his compelling first-person narrative through shoulder injury and rehabilitation.
"Developing a well thought-out and researched rehabilitation protocol, ... the author devised a comprehensive program that is easy to reproduce."
"By explaining the anatomy of the shoulder joint, the mechanisms of possible injury and his rationale for choosing specific treatments and exercises, the reader is provided with a manual to direct their particular recovery program."
"I would recommend this book for anyone who
needs a guide to recover from a minor shoulder injury."
Interest Click Here Now for details.
Shoulder Pain Treatment, Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment | Shoulder Pain NO MORE!
By guru2016
Did you know you can make good money filling out
online surveys sitting at home in your pajamas.
Companies will actually pay you for your opinion.
It's easier than you think, I have a list of over
450 Paid Survey companies. This is the listing I use.
I'm only sending this promotion to my subscribers.
Interest Click Here Now for details.
Could you use an extra $300 to $1,000 a month?
By guru2016
My mom is from New York and my father from Singapore. My mom is pale skinned because she is of Irish descent, whereas my father has a tanned skin tone because his family originates from Southern China.I was born with very white skin, yet as I got older my skin got darker and patchy in places due to my mixed heritage.As my skin tone changed in my teens I began to get bullied at school.I was called “patchy” and other horrible names.I’d come home in tears. My mum would always tell me I was beautiful, but that wasn’t enough to stop me feeling embarrassed and insecure.Don’t get me wrong, I love my father and my Asian roots, but I like the look of my skin when it’s lighter and the pigmentation is even like my mum’s skin is. It just looks nicer, period.Click here for details
By guru2016
I’ve been using the BTMA Stock Spreadsheet and following Grant’s investment advice as a member of the BTMA Wealth Builders Club for about a year. In the past, I had experience as a real estate investor and stock investor, but I had never achieved the tremendous return on investments that I’m now receiving with the BTMA products.
From January 1st to October 6th (or less than 10 months), my return was an astounding 50.6% compared to just 6.3% return with the S&P.
There are not many investments vehicles, if any, where you can achieve these kinds of results consistently. The BTMA is an amazing product and it is hard to find better customer service than what Grant offers Click here for details
From January 1st to October 6th (or less than 10 months), my return was an astounding 50.6% compared to just 6.3% return with the S&P.
There are not many investments vehicles, if any, where you can achieve these kinds of results consistently. The BTMA is an amazing product and it is hard to find better customer service than what Grant offers Click here for details
By guru2016
Thanks for your help, you are a hero to me. I don't feel like explaining my challenges, because it even hurts me even more to talk about it, and I am of a few words.
Thank you for fighting my battle for me. I was convinced that I was going to die, all I did was hate my self and no doctor would explain to me all these that you have explained.
I have already got a relief now with only taking the cautions you clearly stipulated. I believe that by next week am going to be fine.
May the lord reward you and bless you for such a wonder full heart Click here for details
Candida Albicans Cure Regain Control of Your Health!
By guru2016
I was diagnosed to be "pre-diabetic" and "insulin resistant" a long time ago. The recommendation from my doctor was "diet and physical exercise while you take these pills". Sadly, the medications made me feel like crap and stopped me from burning an ounce. After that, an abdominal ultra-sound made a diagnosis of "Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver" and since then, I have been reading scads of books regarding my condition but most are unsatisfactory. In this book, Steve actually gives reasonable, actionable advice. I have been following his advice for four months now and I have lost over 10 pounds. That may not sound like much, but it is something I have not been able to accomplish for over five years, so it is a cause for celebration at my house. Best of all, the trend in weight loss in continuing steadily. Click here for details
Who Else Wants to Safely and Naturally Reverse Fatty Liver Disease
By guru2016
The Renegade Diet is by far and away the easiest and most effective eating plan I’ve ever tried. It gives you complete freedom and actually allows you get and remain in great shape while still having a social life. It’s the only way I’ll ever eat for the rest of my life Click here for details
Renegade Diet Book | by Jason Ferruggia
By guru2016
When I was 21 years old and experienced my first ovarian cysts rupture, like most people you go to the doctor find out the problem and treat it. Little did I know this was only the start of a very long journey over years that included more ovarian cysts, an unnecessary surgery and later breast cysts, fibroids and Adenomyosis! Wow! That’s a lot!
I had faith that I would get to the bottom of this with the many specialist doctors I went to, after speaking with my doctor who offered no solution or reason why this was happening but suggested we start with “synthetic hormones” and go “try” different things hoping something would fix it. That didn’t work and made everything worse. I guess I had too much faith that doctor ‘s really know the cause and have my best interest in mind. The effects of being on “the pill” (a synthetic hormone) caused more problems than I had prior.
This caused more daily side effects than if I had my ovarian cysts rupture once a month! Shortly thereafter I discontinued. Secondly, the doctor recommended laparoscopic surgery. At that time, being in my early 20’s I felt it was the right thing to do. After all I was listening to my doctor. So I proceeded with surgery only to find out nothing was found and again nothing more could be done or could prevent future occurrence.
At that point , it became clear and I started researching women’s alternative health and natural solutions! After experiencing further ovarian cyst episodes that would cause me to go to the emergency room a few times a year this became the norm. I didn’t know whatever else to do and continued my research, and trying different diets, protocols, and even spiritual experiments.
Off and on I experienced ruptured ovarian cysts for over 17 years not knowing when or where it was going to happen. One night I started to feel pressure and soon discovered I had a breast cysts. And shortly thereafter, I was feeling immense pain running down my leg and discovered I had fibroids and further being told by my doctor “they never go away” . At that point it , I started treating myself and only going to the doctor using my mandatory insurance for ultrasounds or blood work a necessary but not for any further guessing games.
I knew I had the answers when they were asking me what I did to eliminate my fibroids and cysts. The rest is history!
Not only did the 3 Step program eliminate my uterine fibroids, breast cysts, ovarian cysts and treat adenomyosis, it also relieved the extra water weight from hormonal imbalance, reversed hair loss, regulated menses monthly, create an overall wellness feeling like I had in my 20’s. Never felt better! Click here for details
3 Step Natural Treatment for women to Shrink Uterine Fibroids, Dissolve Ovarian Cysts, and Treat Adenomyosis without Surgery and Prevent Reoccurrence. 100% Natural Remedies to potentially Eliminate in less than 60 days Guaranteed.
By guru2016
Coaching with Mitch has pushed me to the next level, both mentally and physically. In just over 90-days, Mitch mentored me to my first Physique Competition. The results speak for themselves, but one thing you won’t be able to see is how he pushed me mentally. Plus, I knew that investing in a Coach that has similar spiritual goals would only empower me even more. When you start with the mind, everything falls into place. Thanks so much, Mitch Click here for details
By guru2016
I hate cardio and always have. I slogged on with it because I thought that was what I had to do. I’m only 3 weeks in, but using your finishers I can see and feel a difference already. I have more mass and definition, AND I’m stronger. I am no longer spinning my wheels. And I’m having FUN Click here for details
Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises
By guru2016
There’s a huge number of recipes included, and stress management, supplements, and exercise are also discussed in the bonuses. This book is set up to give you a good number of great recipes, but it also has a lot of info on different diets, exercise and lifestyle changes.
I believe the goal is to make healthy lifestyle changes. I’ve decided to make healthier decisions about food and exercise to change my habits, and I feel much better as a result. Click here for details
Delicious Ultimate Diabetic Recipes - 369 recipes with guides and bonuses
By guru2016
Dan, Thank you so much for all that you've done for me. I use to battle just to gain some decent size on my legs- but since I've been following and training as you've instructed me to, I have gained 2.5cm on my legs in one month! The results are amazing! Thank you so much. Click here for details
Here's the Secret Russian Training System I Accidentally Stumbled Upon That Helped Me... An Ordinary, Average Guy... Pack on 23 Pounds of Lean Muscle Mass... in Just 11 Weeks
By guru2016
It isn't often that I come across a remedy for a common problem like Gray Hair that I like enough to promote.But Joseph Maynard has exposed a formula on Graying Hair that really caught my attention.
What I love about this particular remedy is that it uses all NATURAL Ingredients. It has getting rave reviews from people all over the world.
I highly recommend you check it out if you're one of the millions of people with prematurely
graying hair. There is a solution for you! Click here for details
A Great Natural Remedy to Reverse Gray Hair
By guru2016
After a serious illness last Spring I have been on a personal mission to learn, and implement, everything I can to bring my body into a state of perfect health and well being.
Carolyn Hansen's "Reclaim Your Longevity" has been an invaluable resource and I am very grateful. At 53 I now feel better than I did 20 years ago - but not nearly as well as I will a year from now :)
The key to my recovery and wellness has been finding easy to understand and implement tools such as Reclaim your Longevity - and then following the rewarding and tasty recommendations. I can not recommend Carolyn Hansen's work enough - it will change your life. Click here for details
Carolyn Hansen's "Reclaim Your Longevity" has been an invaluable resource and I am very grateful. At 53 I now feel better than I did 20 years ago - but not nearly as well as I will a year from now :)
The key to my recovery and wellness has been finding easy to understand and implement tools such as Reclaim your Longevity - and then following the rewarding and tasty recommendations. I can not recommend Carolyn Hansen's work enough - it will change your life. Click here for details
Reclaim Your Longevity was written to teach you how to extend your lifespan through peak performance living which can dramatically reduce your risk for disease.
By guru2016
Years ago, when I started training, everything I did was more or less the exact opposite of what Anthony teaches. In the few years I had been training I only made small gains relative to how much effort, time and energy I was pumping into my workouts! Before long my skinny fat body was only ever so slightly more muscular and a hell of a lot fatter. This drove me to quit working out and just giving up.
I was out of the gym for close on 4 years and had become very overweight, very weak and very very unhappy. I decided enough was enough. Doing some research lead me to a number of websites, Anthony’s being one of them. I instantly enjoyed reading his articles and the theory made sense to me. Before too long I was pumped to get started again.
I implemented his eating style, his diet tips and his training protocols. Now, a year later, I’m down 65 lbs, about 3 times stronger then when I started, and much much happier. Anthony’s help and teachings are a huge part of what got me to where I am now, and his helpful nature was very greatly appreciated.
Anthony is one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to talk with. He is a seriously knowledgeable man in this field and is more then happy to share it with everyone. Even if you have a specific question and email him looking for help, he will reply. This is something that is very rare in this industry, even for “Personal” trainers that you meet in person.
I owe so much to what he has thought me, its changed my life forever. I have no doubt that he can do the same for you. Click here for details
It’s hard enough for regular guys to build muscle…but for us? For skinny-fat guys? It seems impossible with the typical advice.
By guru2016
If your joints are killing you and you no longer can take the pain, then you probably suffer from arthritis. Arthritis is a disease which affects the joints and it manifests itself by paints at the levels of the joints and stiffness. Swelling may also appear and local heat may also appear in the affected region as a result of the lack of movement.
Arthritis is one of the diseases which can be effectively treated by means of magnetic therapy. This type of treatment is a noninvasive one, which involves the using of magnets in order to treat several conditions. Magnetic therapy can be used in all three cases of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and periarthritis. Let-s take a look at the way in which magnetic therapy can cure each one of the diseases mentioned above.
- Osteoarthritis is the disease which affects the joints by allowing the extra deposits of calcium to form. Thus, the joint space is reduced significantly, fact which diminishes patient-s ability to move their body properly. Most often this disease affects the knee joints, as the pressure from them is bigger than in case of other joints. Thus, many people suffering from this disease have difficulties in walking, climbing the stairs or even bending their feet.
Osteoarthritis can be treated with specially designed magnetic knee caps applied on the affected area each day. Where the deposits of calcium are excessively big, magnets of South and North Pole are used to diminish them and give back the patient-s mobility.
- Periarthritis is caused by tendonitis or a similar inflammation of the surrounding area of a joint. This inflammation causes swelling to the neighboring joint, making it impossible to use. Depending on the type of injury or inflammation which stays at the origins of the periarthritis, the North Pole magnet or the magnets of both poles are used to treat it.
- The last type of arthritis, the rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by an accumulation of fluid in the joint space. This causes an inflammation inside the joint, makes it red, swelled and prevents the patient from using it. Rheumatoid arthritis can also be treated using magnets. Both South and North Pole magnets should be used for a better treatment.
No matter what type of arthritis you suffer from, magnetic therapy provides a natural and safe way of treating your disease fast and effectively. Click here for details
Arthritis is one of the diseases which can be effectively treated by means of magnetic therapy. This type of treatment is a noninvasive one, which involves the using of magnets in order to treat several conditions. Magnetic therapy can be used in all three cases of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and periarthritis. Let-s take a look at the way in which magnetic therapy can cure each one of the diseases mentioned above.
- Osteoarthritis is the disease which affects the joints by allowing the extra deposits of calcium to form. Thus, the joint space is reduced significantly, fact which diminishes patient-s ability to move their body properly. Most often this disease affects the knee joints, as the pressure from them is bigger than in case of other joints. Thus, many people suffering from this disease have difficulties in walking, climbing the stairs or even bending their feet.
Osteoarthritis can be treated with specially designed magnetic knee caps applied on the affected area each day. Where the deposits of calcium are excessively big, magnets of South and North Pole are used to diminish them and give back the patient-s mobility.
- Periarthritis is caused by tendonitis or a similar inflammation of the surrounding area of a joint. This inflammation causes swelling to the neighboring joint, making it impossible to use. Depending on the type of injury or inflammation which stays at the origins of the periarthritis, the North Pole magnet or the magnets of both poles are used to treat it.
- The last type of arthritis, the rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by an accumulation of fluid in the joint space. This causes an inflammation inside the joint, makes it red, swelled and prevents the patient from using it. Rheumatoid arthritis can also be treated using magnets. Both South and North Pole magnets should be used for a better treatment.
No matter what type of arthritis you suffer from, magnetic therapy provides a natural and safe way of treating your disease fast and effectively. Click here for details
Finally, A Scientifically Proven Method To Reduce and Eliminate Pain For Good. Naturally, Without any Harmful Medications or Side-Effects!
By guru2016
I've been suffering from eczema on my neck for as long as I can remember my adult life. That patch has always been there and no matter what creams I tried, they would heal it pretty quick, but eventually it would come back again - it was a never-ending battle. While I was doing some research online about natural eczema treatment, I came across your guide and it looked promising, so I thought I would give it a try, especially since you offered money-back guarantee. After I followed your advice for 2 months, the eczema on my neck has completely disappeared and it hasn't come back since. Hayley, you're the best! Click here for details
Discover how to naturally cure and permanently eliminate eczema without having to use any of those useless over-the-counter creams or expensive medicines.
By guru2016
As a physician, I encourage my patients to eat more fruits and vegetables because of the essential nutrients and phytochemicals they provide. Studies show that individuals who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to live longer and experience less chronic disease, such as heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and cancer. Juicing is one of the best ways to ingest a large amount of fruits and vegetables and this book is packed with great recipes. Fruits and vegetables also have healing power on their own and this ebook provides a great resource for juicing recipes for almost any ailment. This is such a great - affordable - book. Click here for details
Discover The Amazing Power of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables with Easy & Delicious Recipes Based on Exciting New Research!
By guru2016
It would probably be no exaggeration to say that 99 percent of all women would like to have slim, toned, and shapely legs
Even if your legs already look great you are still going to have to work on them just to keep them that way. The legs of a woman look their best when the muscles are firm and there is only a thin layer of body fat under the skin. So you are going to require a two-pronged approach to get the job done.
While many exercise programs claim they will give you perfect legs, the reality is that to obtain great results you need a program that focuses not only on the legs, but also the rest of the body, and which delivers the *right* type of exercises.
So here are a couple of very important elements that your exercise program really needs to take into account if you are going to sculpt yourself a pair of smoking hot legs.
1. Strength training - Make sure that the program you choose includes strength training exercises. This is the only type of exercise that will elevate your metabolism so as to reduce excess body fat from your legs along with the rest of your body.
The muscles in your legs are the biggest in your body, and they respond well to being worked fairly intensely. On the other hand, aerobic type exercise simply does not work these muscles with enough resistance, nor through a full-enough range of movement, to make much of an impact on your metabolic rate - which is the quantity of calories (fuel) that your body is burning through every minute of the day. By raising your metabolism through strength training exercise, you will crank up your fat burning furnace. Fat is burned in the muscles, so this is where your excess fat and flab will disappear too.
2. Eat small meals - To give yourself the energy needed to be able to exercise with enough intensity to make a difference to your metabolism, it is very important that you eat enough high quality, preferably unprocessed, food. Small meals of around 300 calories in size, eaten every 2-3 hours, will not only support your exercise program, but will also help to speed up your metabolism. For best results, you should try to include around 20 -30 grams of protein at each meal.
If you find it hard to get your head around the idea of eating all this food in order to LOSE weight - tell yourself "I have to eat to lose fat". Remember, dieting doesn't work, and it is time to bury this very old-fashioned, harmful, and soul-destroying approach to running your life. Instead, keep yourself focused on the idea of burning off body fat rather than starving it off, which is never going to help build you a strong, lean and healthy body.
If you follow these proven methods to sculpt not only your lower body, but your whole body, you will have heads turning in no time at all whenever your feet hit the pavement.
To get started on your own plan to kick off the pavement with a pair of smoking hot legs, check out ex-bodybuilding champion Carolyn Hansen's product Hot Legs Workout
Even if your legs already look great you are still going to have to work on them just to keep them that way. The legs of a woman look their best when the muscles are firm and there is only a thin layer of body fat under the skin. So you are going to require a two-pronged approach to get the job done.
While many exercise programs claim they will give you perfect legs, the reality is that to obtain great results you need a program that focuses not only on the legs, but also the rest of the body, and which delivers the *right* type of exercises.
So here are a couple of very important elements that your exercise program really needs to take into account if you are going to sculpt yourself a pair of smoking hot legs.
1. Strength training - Make sure that the program you choose includes strength training exercises. This is the only type of exercise that will elevate your metabolism so as to reduce excess body fat from your legs along with the rest of your body.
The muscles in your legs are the biggest in your body, and they respond well to being worked fairly intensely. On the other hand, aerobic type exercise simply does not work these muscles with enough resistance, nor through a full-enough range of movement, to make much of an impact on your metabolic rate - which is the quantity of calories (fuel) that your body is burning through every minute of the day. By raising your metabolism through strength training exercise, you will crank up your fat burning furnace. Fat is burned in the muscles, so this is where your excess fat and flab will disappear too.
2. Eat small meals - To give yourself the energy needed to be able to exercise with enough intensity to make a difference to your metabolism, it is very important that you eat enough high quality, preferably unprocessed, food. Small meals of around 300 calories in size, eaten every 2-3 hours, will not only support your exercise program, but will also help to speed up your metabolism. For best results, you should try to include around 20 -30 grams of protein at each meal.
If you find it hard to get your head around the idea of eating all this food in order to LOSE weight - tell yourself "I have to eat to lose fat". Remember, dieting doesn't work, and it is time to bury this very old-fashioned, harmful, and soul-destroying approach to running your life. Instead, keep yourself focused on the idea of burning off body fat rather than starving it off, which is never going to help build you a strong, lean and healthy body.
If you follow these proven methods to sculpt not only your lower body, but your whole body, you will have heads turning in no time at all whenever your feet hit the pavement.
To get started on your own plan to kick off the pavement with a pair of smoking hot legs, check out ex-bodybuilding champion Carolyn Hansen's product Hot Legs Workout
Insanely Simple Workout Program Used By National Bodybuilding Champion That Anyone Can Use To Help Them Achieve Heavenly Legs
By guru2016
A tattoo is a huge commitment. Get stuck with the wrong one and you’ll end up frustrated, embarrassed, and even resentful. So many people make the wrong decisions about their tattoos, simply because they don’t have the right information.I don’t want to see you make the same mistakes! They’re painful, expensive, and in worst-case scenarios pretty dangerous.I wanted to make the price of my guide tiny compared to the real cost of ending up with an ugly, badly positioned, bacterial ridden tattoo.So…You can download “Tattoo Designs for Muscular Men” instantly for just $47 by clicking HERE. Your investment is less than the cost of your average two weeks gym membership. A tattoo can save you year’s worth of gym fees – so what’s two weeks worth over the span of a lifetime, right? Order your copy now… Within minutes you’ll find the guide in your inbox, ready to devour. Click here for details
Tattoo Artist “Reveals” The Secret to Tattoo Placements to Give You a “More” Muscular Sexy, Curve Enhancing Image.. Tattoos You’ll NEVER Want to Cover Up!
By guru2016
Claim Your FREE
Bacon & Butter: The Ultimate
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook Now!
Discover 148 amazing ketogenic recipes inside this special edition of our New York Times Bestseller… plus more. And today we’re GIVING it away 100% FREE!
Click here for detailsHURRY, this FREE offer won’t last long! GET THIS BRAND NEW “BACON & BUTTER” FREE!
By guru2016
The lats are a common weak point for most bodybuilders for 2 main reasons:
1) Improper form that causes the biceps, upper back and rear shoulders to take on most of the load.
2) Unlike most of the other muscle groups of the body, you can't actually seeyour lats as you're training them. This can sometimes make it difficult to develop a strong mind-muscle connection.
Today I'm going to share 4 simple but highly effective back training tips that you can start using right away to increase lat stimulation and growth.
These tips can be applied to both of the primary lat exercises you'll be performing in the gym: pullups/pulldowns and rows.
Big lats will go a long way in enhancing your upper body width and thickness (while creating the illusion of a smaller waist) so make sure to pay close attention here...
Back Training Tip #1
Retract your shoulder blades.
Every lat movement should start off with the shoulder blades slightly pinched together. This will increase lat activation throughout the exercise.
Back Training Tip #2
Arch your lower back.
Keep a small arch in your lower back and puff out your chest. Again, this will decrease the involvement of surrounding muscles and shift the stress onto the lat muscles.
Back Training Tip #3
Pull through your elbows.
Imagine that your forearms/wrists/hands are simply "hooks" that are attaching you to the weight. Now, focus on moving the weight by pulling with your elbows only.
When you pull through your hands and forearms, you end up recruiting your biceps to a huge degree. This is one of the biggest lat training mistakes that 90% of lifters make.
Have you ever noticed after a set of pull ups or pulldowns that you end up with a huge pump in your biceps? This is because they're the ones actually doing most of the work, while your lats are receiving minimal stimulation.
** One other tip you can employ to limit bicep involvement even further and build big lats is to use a set of lifting straps for all of your back exercises.
These help to almost completely eliminate your grip from the equation, allowing you to focus 100% on the lats throughout the exercise.
Back Training Tip #4
Pull the weight at an angle rather than straight up and down.
When you pull the bar, cable or dumbbell straight up and down, you end up mostly hitting your upper back and rear shoulders.
To specifically target the lats, make sure to do the following:
For rowing movements: Keep your torso a bit more upright (around 45 degrees) and pull the bar at an angle toward your waist and not your stomach.
For pullups/pulldowns: Lean back and pull the bar into your upper chest.
There you have it: 4 simple tweaks that you can master in just a few minutes to instantly increase lat stimulation, build big lats and get a thicker, wider upper body as a result.
Start applying these tips on your very next back workout and feel the difference for yourself.
If you found this information helpful, here's what to do next...
By guru2016
Working with Frank is the single greatest benefit to the transformation that I have made in my physique over the past year and was accomplished not by some cookie cutter, LA Fitness personal trainer diet and workout program, but by a meticulous attention to detail and a deeper understanding of bodybuilding, incorporating practical biochemistry and physiology into my plan, allowing for the most optimal progress to be acquired throughout the course of the program. The fact that Frank understands not everybody functions the same, allows for him to manipulate a variety of the multitude of factors that influence one's physique and make adjustments to best suit that particular individual. Click here for details
The Complete Guide to the Art of Sculpting Lean Muscle Mass that is Aesthetically Pleasing
By guru2016
There has never been a point in my life that I wasn’t worried about my weight. I don’t see this as a diet anymore, I see it as a lifestyle that I can continue, and a tool I can use to feel better and stay healthy Click here for details
Over 470 Keto Recipes for the Ketogenic Diet. Get this Keto Cookbook now!
By guru2016
After a year off work, two surgeries, and countless hours of Physical Therapy I returned to work. At that time I decided it would be in the best interest of my mind, body, and spirit to maintain some level of physical fitness in an attempt to avoid future injury/re-injury. So I went to my local gym, expecting to continue the exercises PT recommended for me. What I got was so much more…Forest Vance!!In March of 2010 I started training with Forest. Six months later I feel better and stronger than I have ever felt, and ever dreamed was possible. The transformation my body has undergone is amazing. People regularly ask me about shoulder injury and how devastating the experience must have been for my career, my body, and overall mental health. Six months ago I would have 100% agreed, not being able to see much of a silver lining. Now the way I look at it, is that if I hadn’t hurt myself, it is very likely I would not have met Forest.
One of the worst times in my life brought me to the happiest, healthiest, and strongest I have ever been!! Thanks Forest
Reduce Chronic Pain, Improve Mobility, Strengthen Your Core, and Feel Amazing ... in 3 to 6 Minutes Per Day!
By guru2016
After doing your workouts I am producing soooo much torque that I have to control my landing because my body is not used to landing that far! Today we had to serve in a VERY BIG gym. I had no problem generating the power because you taught me how to use my core Click here for details
Core workouts that will build core strength and stability fast. Innovative and unique core exercises.
By guru2016
Fitness Workouts... Bodybuilding Workouts... ALL KINDS of Workouts!
Fitness workouts and bodybuilding workouts. No matter what your goal is! We have loads of conveniently formatted & printer friendly workout programs!
By guru2016
This is a recent photo that I had taken and evidence that years of doing sweaty workouts are definitely time well spent. I’ve been a gym rat for over thirty years. I want to encourage all of you who hit the gym on a regular basis now to NEVER stop or sit down.
Life has a funny way of putting obstacles in the way of training. You might find that you’re super dedicated now, but then you may get a big job, you have a family, you go on holiday or may find any number of valid reasons to have an interruption in your training schedule and then it happens: you get out of your routine and your workouts are shelved. You may think it’s temporarily, but too often it’s longer than you plan.
I know you may say it ‘won’t happen to ME’, but seriously, I tend to be the exception and not the rule when it comes to the ‘super fit and over 50’ category. All my ‘gym buddies’ from past training days have long since found a comfortable chair while I have not. I don’t rely on stories of my ‘glory days’ as an athlete from the past; I continue to live the ‘glory days’ with personal challenges now.
Do you want to have visible abs when you’re 50? Do you want to be able to do pull ups, human flags, and have strength like you do now? I’m here to say it’s not only possible, it’s probable if you play your cards right. I’m as strong as I’ve EVER been and probably even leaner than I was in my 30’s. You can be too.
It’s the 10,000 hour rule: This is the idea that it takes approximately 10000 hours of deliberate practice to master something. The ‘something’ in this case, is your body. Sadly many people spend more time and money on their car than their body.
Here are ten tips to keep in mind so that years will be more of a friend than a foe:Click here for details
Challenge Workouts
By guru2016
My "End Your Depression" treatment plan works regardless of your symptoms and whatever your age.
It is a straight-forward plan that explains everything you need to know about eliminating depression… step-by-step.
It allows you to shift your focus and change your mindset, so that you will always have control over your depression.
With "End Your Depression", the results have been nothing short of amazing.
After suffering from depression for over 20 years, it gave me the relief I needed to actually live my life.
It is a straight-forward plan that explains everything you need to know about eliminating depression… step-by-step.
It allows you to shift your focus and change your mindset, so that you will always have control over your depression.
With "End Your Depression", the results have been nothing short of amazing.
After suffering from depression for over 20 years, it gave me the relief I needed to actually live my life.
And now it can give you the power and the knowledge you need to overcome your depression… and all the symptoms that have been stealing your happiness for far too long.
End Your Depression - Discover The Secrets To End Depression
By guru2016
The program was a success for me because it balanced strength, mobility, and conditioning.
The workouts were constructed to train multiple energy systems without conflicting with one
another. As my bench improved, my shoulder pain subsided; as my deadlift numbers went up,
my lower back felt better and better. During the last four weeks, I was able to continue strength gains while incorporating a fat loss plan, not an easy task without a well constructed program. All told, my biggest success was an increase in my bench from 225 to 265, with a simultaneous decrease in body fat from 17% to 12%. Click here for details
Show and Go Training by Eric Cressey | Show and Go Training by Eric Cressey
By guru2016
The entire program is available instantly, via premium membership to our website. You will have full access to all of our training manuals, exercise program charts, compliance scoring sheets, nutrition guides, instructional videos, and follow along videos for each day of the entire program. The web interface has been designed to provide instant access and easy navigation. Just click “play” and start training! Click here for details
First Alarm TACFIT Firefighter - TACFIT Firefighter is a Firefighter Fitness and Firefighter Workout program. Designed by Fire Fighters for Fire Fighters. TACFIT applies the principles of Circular Strength Training, joint mobility, resistance training, and yoga.
By guru2016
If you want a coach that really cares about you and your goals there is no one better for the job than Tyler! From day one I felt Tyler was my friend not trainer, Tyler always will lead you in the right direction as a friend would.
One of the things that I like the most about Tyler is he sets you up to be able to live a healthy lifestyle and teaches you how to do it on your own, unlike gyms where trainers will want to train with you every time which in the end makes you rely on them to keep on track.
With Tyler he gives you the direction and motivation, but you have to do the work yourself. Tyler makes everything else for you a breeze.
In short if you’re looking to get fit, shred pounds or get that dream body for the summer months at a good price and do it with someone you can call your friend, Tyler is the person you need to train with! Click here for details
The APE Coach MASS3 LV1 Training Program - Build Maximum Muscle in Minimum Time, Shred Excess Body Fat and Enjoy The Foods You Love. MASS3 Lv1 Training
By guru2016
I’ve hated the fact that I’ve always had a flat ass. I’ve worked with trainers, worked out on my own and nothing ever changed! I realized I wasn’t doing the correct movements, at the right intensity, weight or frequency. I’ve followed your program and have shared it with my friends now that they’ve seen the results. Click here for details
Do you want to Make your Butt looks bigger and Sexy? Have A look on The Bigger Butt Workout Program - How to Get Bigger Butts & Natural Bigger butts Online!
By guru2016
At 55 years old, Justin showed me it’s never too late to take control of my health and fitness!
I still can’t believe how much progress I’ve made in just eight weeks working with Justin. At our first session, I felt tired, stiff, and weak – just like I’ve always felt when I tried to lift weights! At 55 years old, Justin showed me it’s never too late to take control of my health and fitness! After numerous setbacks including a broken neck, this program was just what I needed to kick myself into high gear and compete in my very first bodybuilding competition! Click here for details
I still can’t believe how much progress I’ve made in just eight weeks working with Justin. At our first session, I felt tired, stiff, and weak – just like I’ve always felt when I tried to lift weights! At 55 years old, Justin showed me it’s never too late to take control of my health and fitness! After numerous setbacks including a broken neck, this program was just what I needed to kick myself into high gear and compete in my very first bodybuilding competition! Click here for details
Searching for the ULTIMATE muscle building program? Want to pack on POUNDS of quality muscle? Check out professional fitness expert Justin Woltering's new program, Bigger Better Faster 2.0.
By guru2016
As a busy mom, business owner and fitness professional time is very valuable to me. I've been training the "old school" way for decades. I am so thrilled that John finally came out with this program. It takes away all the fluff and what is left will get you into top shape in a minimal amount of time. It is really the foundational concepts that should be the focus and John has captured this in an easy to follow way.
Click here for details
Every Cell In Your Body Has a Clock In It... And Here's How To Wind Those Clocks BACKWARDS
By guru2016
Since I started on a program my results have been amazing. I have lost several inches in waistline, my shoulders are broader, and I feel so much more energy now. It’s not easy, but the program is a complete guide on how to get started on improving your health and life with the vehicle of calisthenics. I was expecting the program to be just an exercises book, but it went beyond my expectations teaching everything from the mindset, to how to progress, with suggestions how it all can be incorporated according to my own fitness levels and goals. 4 months have passed and the results in my lifestyle are incredible, not just my physique, but my energy and my attitude towards fitness.Click here for details
Build insane strength, mad skills and gymnast-like body with progressive Calisthenics.
By guru2016
This is the end of your fat loss journey, and the beginning of your new lean self.
You're going to watch your body change, you're going to feel your joint pain
disappear, and you're going to experience more confidence than you
EVER have before -- and you'll do it ALL in just 4 short weeks.Click here for details
Lose Fat Up To 417% FASTER In As Little As 12 Minutes When I Show You EXACTLY How To Flip Your Body's "Hidden" Fat Loss Switch Into OVERDRIVE
By guru2016
Discover How Women At ANY Age Are Using This “Genetic Reset Secret” To Turn Back The Clock 10 Years And Visibly SEE A Tight Flat Belly In Only 14 Days WITHOUT Starvation Dieting 44 y/o Erin Nielsen Health Coach, Physical Therapist, and Author of The Youth Method 14 Day Diet Detox. Click here for details
14 Day Diet Detox - The Youth Method
By guru2016
Breakthrough "Metabolic Hormone" Trick For Men Replaces 5,000 Hours In The Gym By Helping You Burn 450% More Body Fat In Less Than 45 Minutes Per Week…Skyrocketing Your Fat-Burning Hormones And Forcing Your Body To Dump Pounds Of Trapped, Stubborn Fat For Up To 72 Hours...Click here for details
This Trick Replaces 5,000 Hours In The Gym By Helping You Burn 450% More Body Fat In Less Than 45 Minutes Per Week.
By guru2016
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