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Online Poker Dealer School

When we met Tami D., she was a Bellagio Poker Dealer who just happened to be living in Atlanta at the time. She was on hiatus from casino dealing and actually wanted to deal in our poker league games to keep her skills ‘fresh’.
Tami showed us how Bellagio poker dealers deal poker. It is way different than the dealers in the local home games we normally play in. She showed us how to deal both tournaments and cash games with a focus on the most popular poker game, Texas Holdem.
We knew we needed a way for Tami to train all of our Atlanta Poker Club dealers so we began working with her to create what became, The Professional Poker Dealing Course. It is a one of a kind online poker dealing school that we use to train APC dealers to this very day! Our dealers learn to deal Texas Holdem, Omaha, 7 Card Stud and other games like a pro, from a pro.
The better poker dealer you are, the more you get paid, period. With this poker dealing course you can learn to deal from one of the best for a fraction of the cost of land based poker dealing schools.
 Start Dealer Training

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