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coming to your system.....what can I say...I have been testing ever since I bought your book and believe me I am able to spot long shots exactly the way you have claimed...I just cant believe give the range of odds, it varies anywhere between 2 to 1 to 20 to 1!....just yesterday I spotted one which won at 5 to 1....its very good odds...other day, I backed one at 9 to 1....accuracy is currently hovering around 60% but at these odds, I am sure one can stay in profit (based on probability theory)...well, I consider myself to be very lucky to stumble upon your website & your system...I want to thank you profusely for what you have shared...also, one of the book that you have sent (Winners) is amazing... this book motivates even a dead to get up and do what they like in life...amazing book... thanks for that... Lastly, I am still testing your system and its doing well (you are right that you dont get speed burners at higher odds very often) and on the verge of implementing it fully soon... will keep you posted on the outcomes

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