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Football Value Tips | Profitable Football Betting Predictions

As as member I have tried the services you offer for some time I want to scream to everyone:THE ARE *AWESOME AWESOME!!!!*The tips work just great.

I live in Canada and I am not a "professional gambler" and I don't make my living from sports betting - just a regular person with a full time job.

My betting bank is small, but thanks to you Phil it has grown a little.

I do believe a person can make big money using your tips just have to up the stakes.Winning is fun and feels good.

Do they work 100% all the time? The answer is no but it is called gambling for a reason.As long as I make some money I'm very happy.

I made 70$ profit last weekend using your tips. My 50 points are 20$ so I bet 240$ using all your tips and got back 311$.Not bad for 30 min work.

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