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My Mathematical Formula — My Mathematical Formula - The Diabolical Staking Plan

When I first bought this report (yes I bought it) I though it was going to be some sort of weird Horse racing betting and Staking plan.........Well I was right it is! 
But not in the sense that it is rubbish, more like ingenious. Let me explain. - In the report Mal shows a lot about picking a winner, what to look for, tracks and form which is OK if you are new to horse racing and picking winners. 
What I was more interested in was his "Diabolical Staking Plan". I know it sounds daft, but it isn't, its actually very good. 
If someone showed you how to take a $1 bet and turn it into over $129,000 you would think they have been drinking to much or been out in the sun to much (what in the UK)! 
Mal explains in pretty technical terms then in very simple terms, (he has obviously had some feedback on this) how you can achieve it. 

Will it work? - YES

At the end of the day it is simple math, but used in a very interesting way. Mal has also put a lot of safety features in so what ever happens you are going to win. Overall this is a great report with a lot of information and if you are serious about making money from Horse Racing or to think of it any type of betting then you should consider . it as "One to Get".

 interest Click here for details.

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