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This is something that all good content writers do on a regular basis.
They focus on creating short sentences that make a statement. If you are accustomed
to writing fiction you may be used to adding more fill to each sentence.
Adding descriptions to evoke pictures of the characters or scenery for

Good copy needs to be short and sweet. A good piece of advice is to use the
5 W's. Who, What , Where, Why and When. Then on top of this you want to
add facts to these sentences. When you add facts or more specific details
you are reinforcing ideas to your readers.

If you are new to copywriting then you should start collecting examples of
sales pages so that you can study them. Specifically you want to look at the
use of sentences, bullet points, headings and sub headings.

Bear in mind too, that people will be reading your sales copy on their
computers and their mobile devices. Some will have smaller screens that do
not display as much text. So you need to have text that is easy to read. You
have probably experienced trying to read a large, never ending paragraph of
text. Most likely you got fed up or bored and stopped reading. This is why
short, clear sentences are important.

When writing your copy you want to connect and evoke emotions in your
readers. The best way to do this is to try and dig down and bring their
problems to the surface.

You want to address this fear, they may be worried about losing their job,
they may be worried about their health or finances. Make sure you bring this
up in your copy.
After addressing these fears you want to promise solutions to these fears. By
doing this with your sentences you are giving them hope. After all they are
potentially buying your solution to their problem.

Now all of this sounds quite simple but it does takes practice to hone your
copywriting skills. If you can just remember to write short sentences you will
be half way there. We suggest that you practice writing out lots of short sentences that are concise. In addition to the sentences work on writing out short headings and
sub headings. Adding these headings to your copy breaks up your text and
makes the copy easier to read, plus it make it more pleasing to the eye.

Click here for details.

Copy Idea Blueprint Pay Attention to Your Sentences

This is something that all good content writers do on a regular basis.
They focus on creating short sentences that make a statement. If you are accustomed
to writing fiction you may be used to adding more fill to each sentence.
Adding descriptions to evoke pictures of the characters or scenery for

Good copy needs to be short and sweet. A good piece of advice is to use the
5 W's. Who, What , Where, Why and When. Then on top of this you want to
add facts to these sentences. When you add facts or more specific details
you are reinforcing ideas to your readers.

If you are new to copywriting then you should start collecting examples of
sales pages so that you can study them. Specifically you want to look at the
use of sentences, bullet points, headings and sub headings.

Bear in mind too, that people will be reading your sales copy on their
computers and their mobile devices. Some will have smaller screens that do
not display as much text. So you need to have text that is easy to read. You
have probably experienced trying to read a large, never ending paragraph of
text. Most likely you got fed up or bored and stopped reading. This is why
short, clear sentences are important.

When writing your copy you want to connect and evoke emotions in your
readers. The best way to do this is to try and dig down and bring their
problems to the surface.

You want to address this fear, they may be worried about losing their job,
they may be worried about their health or finances. Make sure you bring this
up in your copy.
After addressing these fears you want to promise solutions to these fears. By
doing this with your sentences you are giving them hope. After all they are
potentially buying your solution to their problem.

Now all of this sounds quite simple but it does takes practice to hone your
copywriting skills. If you can just remember to write short sentences you will
be half way there. We suggest that you practice writing out lots of short sentences that are concise. In addition to the sentences work on writing out short headings and
sub headings. Adding these headings to your copy breaks up your text and
makes the copy easier to read, plus it make it more pleasing to the eye.

Click here for details.

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