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Heather Dropped Over 20 Pounds And Hasn't Looked Back!

“I used to have every excuse in the book about why I couldn’t find time to exercise as I am a mother of two with a full time job and a house to take care of. Thanks to Robby’s program it is no longer a chore-I am down 20+ pounds, I’m stronger and more toned than I’ve ever been. I could not have accomplished this without you!

6 Week Shred

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast and Get a Flat Stomach

Fit Yummy Mummy

Four Trainers, 5 Years, Thousands of Dollars Wasted and NO RESULTS, but then I heard about YOU. So, I have been using your LBHT Makeover for a few weeks now and just have to shout, “THANK GOD FOR JOEY ATLAS!! ROUND OF FRIGGIN’ APPLAUSE!! FINALLY, A MAN WHO KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT WOMEN WANT AND CAN GIVE IT TO THEM!!!”
Joey, there’s a very good reason for my profound statement and that’s because I’m flat out fed up with the stupidity and uselessness of these people who call themselves “certified personal trainers.”
I tell you, Joey, I don’t know where they get their information from or better yet HOW the get “certified”, but they should be required to consult with YOU before they even attempt to train women, and MEN for than matter…
I have been through 4 different trainers in the past 5 years and none of them, I mean NONE, have been able to help me tighten this disgusting, flabby area around my pelvic region and lower body, like your program has, and very quickly I must add.
See, I didn’t always have this problem, only my butt and thighs were the original problem (which your program is also doing amazing wonders for). However, I was more concerned with this pelvic area because it’s not what I was used to.
After 32 years of age I started noticing this flabby bulge starting to spill over the top of my thong underwear, then the bulge started coming out from the bottom of the elastic strip waistband, then my waistband slowly started disappearing from sight… Eeewww, yuck!! So, yes Joey, for 5 years I had to put up with this because of my own lack of fitness knowledge and incompetent “certified personal trainers.”
Then, I found YOU and the rest is HISTORY or rather my fat, flab and cellulite are history!!

Lower Body Makeover, Leg Butt Hip Thigh Exercises for Women

(These 3 body types metabolism carbs and fat differently. meaning their body utilizes and stores them in totally different ways. )
You have a unique body type that metabolizes food differently than other people.
Each person has a different set of genetics, hormones, body composition, age, physical activity level.
And when we don’t address all these issues and do some general plan we miss out on the one thing you are after. RESULTS
So, before we talk about the right nutrition and fitness blueprint for you and How to unlock your fat burning potential. We will need to discover how your metabolism works. Thats the resin we are able to help people lose 10 lbs. in 7 days
In this program we start with a simple questionnaire that will access your body type then we be able to target that stubborn body fat once and for all. Click Here To Get Started Now

Lose 10 in 7 Days

Fitness For You

There’s a lot of misinformation out there on building muscle, growing stronger and losing fat dangerously fast — The problem with a lot of it, is that it involves too much ‘guess work’, or is a flat-out lie. More often than not, celebrity programs require a bunch of expensive supplements to ‘make sure’ you lose fat and build muscle at the same time
Click Here To Get Started Now

Premium Course

I’m an attorney with a demanding job in a high-powered office in Boston. Lately, on days following my morning workouts, I’m noticing a remarkable effect…whatever comes up at work, I’m able to deal with it in a calm, centered manner, and I’m getting more done. The ‘zone’ experience… is starting to spill over into my business life
Click Here To Get Started Now

Metazone Fitness

“What’s going on everyone! Jacob here…I would recommend it for anyone looking to get back into that gym style feel from high school. I’m a former athlete put on a whole bunch of weight had a kid and already in two weeks seeing differences…clothes is fitting differently body is feeling differently.”
Click Here To Get Started Now

Rapid Results Routine

You would think that these big companies have your best interest at heart? Truth is most modern day drugs are actually wreaking havoc on our hormones.
By nature medicines are suppose to help us, you would assume that they are being tested for the basic effects they have on your cardiovascular system, hormones, and brain functions…
This is not the case.
So you may be asking what exactly is the tens of millions spent for research each year accomplishing? Good question…
The medicines below have been shown to cause high levels of damage and some have even caused death.

1) Antidepressants. These which are easier to get then Tylenol have shown to be relationship killers. Studies have shown they lead to low levels of libido and erectile dysfunction.
Also they are linked to weight gain, which is a top cause of low levels of testosterone due to increased visceral abdominal fat.
Some would argue they do stop depression, but what good is being happy if your fat and can’t get it up?
2) NSAIDs. Be cautious of things like ibuprofen, Motrin, and Advil studies have linked these with a decrease in Nitric Oxide Output, which is terrible if you currently have or battle erectile dysfunction.
If you are popping these things like candy studies have shown they have more then doubled the rates of erectile dysfunction compared to non users.
Some other side effects of these are ulcers, inflammation, and gastrointestinal issues.
I suggest you do your best to avoid these at all costs as they are wreaking havoc on your hormones.

Click here to learn 101 ways you can implement today to naturally increase your testosterone

101 Ways To Naturally Increase Your Testosterone - Ryan Magin

Ski Training | Skiing Training | Ski Exercises | Skiing Exercises

Fitness Workouts and Bodybuilding Workouts

How To Build Muscle Without Weights: Discover The Lost Secrets of Bodyweight Training

I have been following your exercize recommendations, and they have been great! I was never "fat" per se - I actually exercized a lot before I was eating raw.

I've been doing a lot of the Lightning Speed Exercise (LSE) and the Upper Body Exercise you recommend, with amazing results. I've also been using my own body's resistance, as you suggested, for curls, neck exercises, abs, and a host of shoulder exercises. I dont know why I ever went to the gym!

This is developing my muscles so much more evenly. I recently hugged a friend I hadn't seen in awhile, and he immediately asked if I had been in the gym - said my arms and shoulders felt strong - he noticed this from a 2 second side hug! At some point I'd like to go back to the gym to see how much strength I've gained, especially in my shoulders.

I also noticed the benefits of the LSE's when I went running this morning. We had awful weather for the past few weeks (in Ohio) so I just did lots of LSE's at home instead of jogging. (I typically jog first thing in the morning)

Today I went outside, and I just flew down the street - I can't even begin to describe it - I wasn't exerting much effort at all, but I was moving at what I would have previously considered a moderately strenuous pace. I always finish with a spring- and today I went just as fast, hardly had to "work" for it.

OK, I have to go now, but I just wanted to let you know how much your website has helped me.

Click Here To Get Started Now

Bodyweight Exercises- Lightning Speed Fitness Program

The Chaos Bulk and Intermittent Fasting by Anthony Mychal

How to Prevent ACL Tears for Athletes in Many Sports

Jerry has been in the strength field for the past 16 years and a Division I Head Strength Coach for the past 12 years. He has multiple certifications and is a licensed Athletic Trainer. He presents at numerous clinics, has a monthly fitness segment for a local TV station, and is sought out by other professionals for his injury prevention techniques.
Click Here To Get Started Now

How to Prevent ACL Tears - Drills to Train Deceleration - How to Develop Safer, Stronger Knees to Prevent Knee Injuries

Start using the exercises in this Pilates Ebook to help prevent and alleviate the pain in your back and joints. Increase your energy and start enjoying a pain free life again!

I have always had a weak and sore back and I hate to do the exercises on my stomach, but I realize these are the most helpful. Since doing Pilates regularly I notice my posture has improved, I stand taller and my back does not ache like it used to.

Click Here To Get Started Now

Pilates Ebook -Pilates Relief for Back and Joint Pain

How I created my own fitness and diet system

“I’ve worked on a tugboat for the past 10 years. A few years back I nearly lost my life in a accident at work. In short, I fell off the forward end of a 300 ft. barge while it was moving ahead, trapping me underneath until the tug and barge passed over me. I was fortunate to avoid the propellers of the tug, and able to find the surface. The accident, and surgery was motivation to to start taking my health more seriously.

Even in my youth I never had abs, but now at 45 they were starting to show. The big motivator at this point was that my strength and musculature was improving. Fat loss and muscle growth. Finally I was training with intelligence and using science instead of the misguided diet and training advice I often took from muscle magazines and websites

When I started TSPA I was 210 pounds and around 20-22% Body fat. My after pics are of me weighing in at 181 pounds, and a body fat caliper reading of 8.5%.”

Interest Click Here Now for details.

Total Six Pack Abs - The Body Fat Furnace - Total Six Pack Abs by Mark McManus

The Minimalist Exercise And Nutrition Program

Vegan Bodybuilding Made Easy - Full eBook

Dear Friend,
Lets face it, gyms and health clubs are great, unless:
  1. You don't have enough time to really get effective use out of them.
  2. You can't afford the monthly membership fees.
  3. You don't already look like Mr./Mrs. Universe, and will be embarrassed to be seen in shorts and a T-shirt!
Unfortunately for me, it was 1 and 3 that were the kickers.
I joined a gym less than 5 miles away! I figured I could go at least 3 days a week on my lunch hour.
Here's how it went for me:
Day 1: Great workout, felt pumped.
Day 2: Already felt kinda sore, so didn't workout as intensively as Day 1. Didn't accomplish much when I got back to work.
Day 3: Had a really important errand to run so I skipped altogether.
Day 4: Forced to skip again due to a lunch date that I just *couldn't* get out of ;-)
Day 5: Finally made it back to the gym again! Felt like Day 2 for some reason, though, because I just couldn't really get motivated.
Sadly, this cycle pretty much continued like this for about 2 months. I doubt I made it to the gym more than a dozen times during those two months.
So much for my 3 workouts a week!
Hopefully you aren't as bad as I was, but if you have trouble making it to the gym for any reason, I'm about to show you the solution to your fitness problems!

dumbbell routines and exercises

Ultimate Kettlebell Bundle

Foot Ebook: Treat Your Feet!

Fitness Model Program Jennifer Nicole Lee JNL Oxygen Magazine, At home exercises, Female weight training, Flat abs, Bikini diet

“The principles and philosophies Jennifer shares in Fitness Model™ Program will help you develop a stunning physique and breathtaking beauty (inside and out). If I had to choose one fitness coach to train my girl friend, it would be Jennifer Nicole Lee, because of her extraordinary personality, understanding of how a females body should be trained and her ability to motivate.

Don't wait another day to create the body and life you deserve - this is the actual program I promote to my female clients who want to build a sleek and sexy body without bulk or looking too 'runway' soft.'  

Interest Click Here Now for details.

Fitness Model Program, Fitness Diet Plan, Women Fitness Diet, Health Fitness Diet, Fitness Diet Program