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Step 1 – Trigger a sense of positive discomfort in
his mind.
You must be thinking – Wait a minute! How can
discomfort be positive and why would I want to
make a guy uncomfortable?
Well, there is an age old psychological concept
which states that as humans we value the very
thing we have to work hard for. Men specially are
genetically programmed to value the very thing
which isn’t easy to attain.
Now I am not saying that you should play hard to
get and make him run after you. That concept is a
myth and can actually turn a guy completely off.
What I am talking about is a cocktail of pleasure
and discomfort mixed in together. It basically
means that you make him feel 90% pleasure mixed
with 10% discomfort.
This cocktail creates an intense sense of passion
within a man’s body that is just hard to control.
This tunes up his emotional intensity towards you
and he feels this hot, raw and intense love for
you which is addictive and almost irreplaceable.
In fact, this concept works so well that he will
actually enjoy chasing you and will get a special
kind of feeling which will get him addicted to
pursuing you.
I know it sounds weird right now, but I’ll show you
a super easy way to put it into action soon. But before
that, let me get to our second step.
Step 2 – Re-frame his point of view…
Have you ever seen a guy who went completely nuts
over a certain girl even though she wasn’t that
good looking or smart and did you find yourself
thinking – What does he see in her? She isn’t even
that special.
The important point to note here is that in your
point of view, she might not be that attractive or
special but that specific guy is seeing her
through a completely different lens. He is seeing
things in her that you might not see at all.
Now the good news is that you can use re-framing to
change a guy’s views about you, and make him find
you absolutely attractive, irresistible and
exceptionally special even if you aren’t that good
looking, skinny or smart.
You see, by making small easy adjustments in your
personality, you can make a guy think that you are
one of the most interesting women he’s ever come
across, and not only that, you can actually make
him see you as this special, one in a million
woman he would be lucky to have in his life.
I’ll soon show you a super easy method to re-frame
his view of you completely, and establish yourself
as his only and best possible choice. But before
that, let me give you the 3rd and final step.
Step 3 – Appeal to the masculine part of him.
Every guy is born with a protector instinct, his
job in the “early man days” used to be to protect
the family from predators.
If you can awaken the masculine part of a man
completely, he would feel a gut level desire to protect
you and do nice things for you.
Once this part awakens, he will go out of his way
to do loving things for you and will even feel
obligated and responsible for your well being. In
fact, this is one of the most little known secrets
to truly making a man fall in love with you.
Most women feel that in order to get a man to love
them, they should do a lot of nice things, dress
sexy etc, but the reality is that, all that can
actually repulse him.
Since every man is a born hunter, he is a provider
at his very core and he will feel a lot of pleasure
when you let him take care of you by appealing
to the masculine part of him.
Now you must be thinking – Alright I understand
that I have to trigger a sense of positive
discomfort in his mind, re-frame his point of view
and awaken the masculine part of him but I am
still a little confused because I don’t know
exactly what to do.
Good question, here is the answer - Follow this link...
Interest Here Now for details

3 Ridiculous tricks to make him ache will pure love for you

Step 1 – Trigger a sense of positive discomfort in
his mind.
You must be thinking – Wait a minute! How can
discomfort be positive and why would I want to
make a guy uncomfortable?
Well, there is an age old psychological concept
which states that as humans we value the very
thing we have to work hard for. Men specially are
genetically programmed to value the very thing
which isn’t easy to attain.
Now I am not saying that you should play hard to
get and make him run after you. That concept is a
myth and can actually turn a guy completely off.
What I am talking about is a cocktail of pleasure
and discomfort mixed in together. It basically
means that you make him feel 90% pleasure mixed
with 10% discomfort.
This cocktail creates an intense sense of passion
within a man’s body that is just hard to control.
This tunes up his emotional intensity towards you
and he feels this hot, raw and intense love for
you which is addictive and almost irreplaceable.
In fact, this concept works so well that he will
actually enjoy chasing you and will get a special
kind of feeling which will get him addicted to
pursuing you.
I know it sounds weird right now, but I’ll show you
a super easy way to put it into action soon. But before
that, let me get to our second step.
Step 2 – Re-frame his point of view…
Have you ever seen a guy who went completely nuts
over a certain girl even though she wasn’t that
good looking or smart and did you find yourself
thinking – What does he see in her? She isn’t even
that special.
The important point to note here is that in your
point of view, she might not be that attractive or
special but that specific guy is seeing her
through a completely different lens. He is seeing
things in her that you might not see at all.
Now the good news is that you can use re-framing to
change a guy’s views about you, and make him find
you absolutely attractive, irresistible and
exceptionally special even if you aren’t that good
looking, skinny or smart.
You see, by making small easy adjustments in your
personality, you can make a guy think that you are
one of the most interesting women he’s ever come
across, and not only that, you can actually make
him see you as this special, one in a million
woman he would be lucky to have in his life.
I’ll soon show you a super easy method to re-frame
his view of you completely, and establish yourself
as his only and best possible choice. But before
that, let me give you the 3rd and final step.
Step 3 – Appeal to the masculine part of him.
Every guy is born with a protector instinct, his
job in the “early man days” used to be to protect
the family from predators.
If you can awaken the masculine part of a man
completely, he would feel a gut level desire to protect
you and do nice things for you.
Once this part awakens, he will go out of his way
to do loving things for you and will even feel
obligated and responsible for your well being. In
fact, this is one of the most little known secrets
to truly making a man fall in love with you.
Most women feel that in order to get a man to love
them, they should do a lot of nice things, dress
sexy etc, but the reality is that, all that can
actually repulse him.
Since every man is a born hunter, he is a provider
at his very core and he will feel a lot of pleasure
when you let him take care of you by appealing
to the masculine part of him.
Now you must be thinking – Alright I understand
that I have to trigger a sense of positive
discomfort in his mind, re-frame his point of view
and awaken the masculine part of him but I am
still a little confused because I don’t know
exactly what to do.
Good question, here is the answer - Follow this link...
Interest Here Now for details

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