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I arrived home one day and there's a big black dude at my house. Never seen him before in my life. Turns out he had been struggling to lose weight for years. So he heard about me and weaseled my address from a friend of a friend of a friend. Then he promptly drove over to my house and parked on my doorstep until I got home.
I was a little stunned at first.
But to be honest this stuff is happening more and more often. Last year a 68-year old man who I've never met before mailed me a $1,000 check. "Your book changed my life. Please accept this as a token of my appreciation."
Anyway, John - the big black dude on my porch - told me what his trainer had him doing. All the usual stuff -- lifting weights 3x times a week, cardio in the morning, measuring out all his carbs and macros, keeping protein high and of course avoiding stuff like doughnuts and beer.
"Well, if you believe all that I've got some real estate in Florida..." I told him.
He looked at me side-eyed.
"I mean first of all there's actually a way to use alcohol to speed up fat loss."
He's starting to think I'm crazy.
"Here, just read this and leave me alone."
I shove a copy of my book in his hands and shoe him away. A few weeks go by. I've completely forgot about John.
Until he emails me out of the blue...
"I'm down 50 pounds. Practically every single person that comes into my shop (I'm a barber) wants to know what I've been doing. THANK YOU!"
I wrote back...
"John, nobody is going to believe me if I tell 'em this story. Send me a video please."

Why Did This Method Get Banned?

I arrived home one day and there's a big black dude at my house. Never seen him before in my life. Turns out he had been struggling to lose weight for years. So he heard about me and weaseled my address from a friend of a friend of a friend. Then he promptly drove over to my house and parked on my doorstep until I got home.
I was a little stunned at first.
But to be honest this stuff is happening more and more often. Last year a 68-year old man who I've never met before mailed me a $1,000 check. "Your book changed my life. Please accept this as a token of my appreciation."
Anyway, John - the big black dude on my porch - told me what his trainer had him doing. All the usual stuff -- lifting weights 3x times a week, cardio in the morning, measuring out all his carbs and macros, keeping protein high and of course avoiding stuff like doughnuts and beer.
"Well, if you believe all that I've got some real estate in Florida..." I told him.
He looked at me side-eyed.
"I mean first of all there's actually a way to use alcohol to speed up fat loss."
He's starting to think I'm crazy.
"Here, just read this and leave me alone."
I shove a copy of my book in his hands and shoe him away. A few weeks go by. I've completely forgot about John.
Until he emails me out of the blue...
"I'm down 50 pounds. Practically every single person that comes into my shop (I'm a barber) wants to know what I've been doing. THANK YOU!"
I wrote back...
"John, nobody is going to believe me if I tell 'em this story. Send me a video please."

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