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“I’ve worked on a tugboat for the past 10 years. A few years back I nearly lost my life in a accident at work. In short, I fell off the forward end of a 300 ft. barge while it was moving ahead, trapping me underneath until the tug and barge passed over me. I was fortunate to avoid the propellers of the tug, and able to find the surface. The accident, and surgery was motivation to to start taking my health more seriously.

Even in my youth I never had abs, but now at 45 they were starting to show. The big motivator at this point was that my strength and musculature was improving. Fat loss and muscle growth. Finally I was training with intelligence and using science instead of the misguided diet and training advice I often took from muscle magazines and websites

When I started TSPA I was 210 pounds and around 20-22% Body fat. My after pics are of me weighing in at 181 pounds, and a body fat caliper reading of 8.5%.”

Interest Click Here Now for details.

Total Six Pack Abs - The Body Fat Furnace - Total Six Pack Abs by Mark McManus

“I’ve worked on a tugboat for the past 10 years. A few years back I nearly lost my life in a accident at work. In short, I fell off the forward end of a 300 ft. barge while it was moving ahead, trapping me underneath until the tug and barge passed over me. I was fortunate to avoid the propellers of the tug, and able to find the surface. The accident, and surgery was motivation to to start taking my health more seriously.

Even in my youth I never had abs, but now at 45 they were starting to show. The big motivator at this point was that my strength and musculature was improving. Fat loss and muscle growth. Finally I was training with intelligence and using science instead of the misguided diet and training advice I often took from muscle magazines and websites

When I started TSPA I was 210 pounds and around 20-22% Body fat. My after pics are of me weighing in at 181 pounds, and a body fat caliper reading of 8.5%.”

Interest Click Here Now for details.

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