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The Two Fold Formula Book - WallStreetWindow

The Two Formula : The Best Single Trading Pattern I Have Ever Used

My name is Michael Swanson and I first started to trade in the 1990’s when I put $15,000 into a new brokerage account.  I didn’t know what I was doing and I put all of that money into one single stock.  Don’t ever do that, but I was lucky and fortunate, because it doubled in less than a month.  For me at the time that was a massive gain.  In fact up to then I never made that much before working in an entire year and so I instantly got hooked on trading.
But I didn’t know what I was doing and I just chased stocks and almost lost my entire account in just months.  I got to the point where I only had $7,000 left in it and I had to do something.  I admitted to myself that I was really chasing the moves and that I needed to do something real.
I needed to go from gambling bets to more certain setups.  I had to find a price pattern setup in the markets that would work and would repeat as much as possible.  I knew what the best pattern had to do.  It had to lead to the largest amount of gains in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of risk.
Now nothing is guaranteed 100% of the time so you always have to control your risks and position sizes.  I learned that much, but I still needed the answer.  It was the only way I could win and so I chose to do the work necessary to give me the edge I needed.
And so over a period of weeks every day for hours and hours I looked back at all of the trades I did and the ones I just watched and didn’t do too and found one single chart pattern that worked the best out of all of them.  And I started to use it and I turned my account around and it went up to heights I never could have believed in a short amount of time.
Within a few years starting in the year 2003 I was co-managing a hedge fund with several million dollars in it.  And I did that for three years and during that time we beat the markets to the point where we were ranked among the top forty out of thousands of hedge funds by
I didn’t really like managing other people’s money and so I got out with a bundle.  I enjoy writing and that’s my passion and still use The Two Fold Formula to make everything possible.
So today I share my thoughts on the markets on my website
And this is why I published my new Two Fold Formula book updated for 2018 for you.

Click here for details.

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