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HOM (Holistic Order Manager) - A new platform for Forex Trading

HOM (Holistic Order Manager) is a new and best Forex trading platform. HOM is feature rich so as to allow you to focus and concentrate where your 100% attention is required – Technical Chart Analysis to make buy or sell decisions, and deciding order’s auto management style. HOM is extremely customizable, such that trader can adjust it their liking and trading style.

I run a modest little "Forex Fund" for myself and 4 family members and have shown annualized return since inception (14 months now) of 30.64%. This would have been closer to 200% if it weren't for last July when I freaked, broke all my trading rules and had a 40% drawdown - an attempt to avert property foreclosure at that time. Anyway, the fund has grown nicely since then, and I estimate 50% of profits are attributable to the HOM. I set the HOM on conservative triggers only, carefully set the safety, and avoid all trades with potential conflicts. As a result, I only get 1 or 2 fills per month, but these tend to be "paydays". For this reason, I find the HOM a great trading tool. Patience, adaptation to broker behavior, and cautious use of the HOM has proven profitable to me.
Click here for details.

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